Konsep Diri Pada Remaja Keluarga Broken Home 


This research is a qualitative research that used a case study approach. This research aims to find out and understand the self-concept of teenagers in broken home family conditions that are not harmonious family can be said as broken home family. Broken home families can be caused by the condition of parents who are divorced and the condition of parents who are separated from the bed broken home family condition can have an impact on the development of self-concept in adolescents.

The subjects of this study were four teenagers from broken home families. Domiciliedin Yogyakarta, research subjects have a background of the condition of parents who have been divorced and separated beds research subjects aged 15 – 20 years, while as many as four informants with ages 16 – 42 years old. Data collection techniques using interviews and observation.

The results of the study describe self-concepts which include perceptual, conceptua, and attitude components. The four subjects in the perceptual component were able to show the right feelings, while in the fourth perceptual component the subjects was able to accept family conditions and have positive expectations. The differences experienced by subject 2 in the conceptual component subject 2 had lower levels of self-confidence compared to other subjects. This study also showed that environmental attitudes and peers are able to influence self-concept in adolescent victims of broken home families.

Keyword : self concept, Teenager, Broken home familly

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  • Dhea Miftachul Jannah
  • Siti Hafsah Budi Argiati
  • Berliana Henu Cahyani
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Konsep Diri, Remaja, Keluarga Broken Home